Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Gift of Investing in Others

An excerpt from The Gift of Investing in Others
By Rachel Pyle, Volunteer, with Jonny Adkins, Missionary Kid and Volunteer
November/December 2010

In Kenya, Jonny found that he changed the way he used his energy by investing the time to see more of the culture and understand the people. Jonny reminisced fondly about a Kenyan coworker, “I was able to spend a lot of time working with (him) and building up his talents.”

The progression from short-term trips to a year-long VIA experience allowed Jonny to give more of himself. He invested more time, worked alongside fellow missionaries and nationals, and gained a different insight than that of his childhood.

“Any missions experience is different from the experience of growing up on the field.” However, Jonny stated about all his missionary experiences, “Every trip presents its own challenges and opportunities to draw you closer to God.”

ACT: Can you offer yourself as a gift, investing in the lives of others? Or maybe someone came to mind while reading this story. Pass this article on and together find out more about the VIA program at

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