Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2: Nicaragua

Tim Hawk, Regional Director of Central America and Hispanic Ministries, led us in prayer for the ministries of Nicaragua. The prayer request we offer in the magazine well describe the ministries taking place there. Please continue to lift these requests before the throne.

>> WGM IS PARTNERING with AMSLA (Latin American Holiness Missionary Agency) in its ministry efforts in Nicaragua. Please pray for Ubaldo and Teresa Salazar, World Gospel Mission’s only missionary couple serving on this field, as they seek direction in their outreach efforts.
>> HEALTHY TWO-PARENT FAMILIES are far less common than you would think. Pray that God will work in the lives of families as the Salazars model a healthy family relationship.

>> NICARAGUA HAS THE third-lowest per capita income in the Western Hemisphere. Pray for God’s strength to sustain those who may be wondering where their next meal will come from.

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