Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm a Blogger

An excpert from I'm a Blogger
By Joy Phillips, South Sudan

April-June 2012

I’m a blogger, and I’ve been blogging about my life and Mango Ministries in South Sudan since March 2009 at

My blog was born out of extreme frustration in formatting newsletters, some forced down-time while waiting for back surgery, and a lifelong desire to write for a public audience.

In this world of instant-everything, I believe the most important tool blogging can be used for is to mobilize prayer. Each time I update my blog, I update the prayer and praise section. I firmly believe that without prayer, even the best programs we implement will fall far from God’s intentions. Without prayer, peace will not prevail. It’s so easy to forget that prayer is the work. I consider it a real blessing to be able to communicate prayer needs and praises to you in an instant and know that God is using a virtual community to do His work in South Sudan.

As you read “Journey with Joy” and other missionary blogs, my prayer is that you will be challenged by the condition of our world and respond to invitations to be a part of His kingdom-building activities.

ACT: Add Joy Phillips to your prayer list by visiting her blog at www.joyphillips.

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