Monday, February 6, 2012

Go: Jesus’ Last Command

An excerpt from: Go: Jesus’ Last Command
By Gianetta Wright, Volunteer, Texas/Mexico Border
January–March 2012

“I have never worked harder in my life,” one volunteer said at the end of a month on the mission field last winter. “Nor enjoyed it more.”

What do volunteers do on a mission field? They do the same things they do elsewhere, plus they often learn a new skill or two. Cooking, baking, plumbing, wiring, construction, roofing, repairing, painting, teaching, reading stories, making handcrafts, sewing, trimming trees, raking, mowing, cleaning, helping with computers, stuffing envelopes, decorating, building bookcases, installing shelves, monitoring a school playground—the opportunities are endless.

Where were you and what ministry did you miss?

Here’s what happened in 2011:

62 Missionary Volunteer Partners served on 10 different fields
33 Volunteers In Action participants served on 10 different fields
95 total volunteers served on WGM fields

Here are some service ideas you can do in 2012:

Serve as the host or hostess at a guesthouse on a field
Help with support services by serving as a field treasurer
Teach art, math, or other subjects at an international school

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