Thursday, April 19, 2012

Times Have Changed

An excerpt from Times Have Changed
By Benji Jenkins, Papua New Guinea
April-June 2012

Six weeks to get a letter sent to the U.S. and then six weeks to get a reply back. Three months of waiting to hear a response from your newsletter. That’s how it used to be for missionaries in Papua New Guinea. I should know; I grew up there. Now 20 years later, I am back in PNG, and it still takes several weeks to get a letter to the U.S. and longer to get something back this way. But I can now send something to my family, friends, or supporters back in the U.S. and start getting responses two or three minutes later.

I use Facebook to stay connected with our ministry team. I know people use Facebook for many different reasons, but I see it as the perfect tool for keeping in close contact with those people who want to stay involved with our ministry.

Times have definitely changed since I was a kid here in PNG. I am really glad that I live and work in a time when I can have such close contact with those who pray for us and our ministry no matter what time zone we are living in.

ACT: Some things never change. The need for missionaries to serve with strong prayer support remains. To pray for WGM missionaries serving globally, request a prayer calendar at or visit

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