Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A New Trick

An excerpt from A New Trick
By Todd Eckhardt, Support Staff
April-June 2012

Never underestimate what people can learn. A group that has learned a new trick is Men With Vision. You got it. MWV is on Facebook, we have a blog, and we are on the Web. The Lord has helped us stretch and learn some new things.

At www.mwvblog.org, you can read the latest updates on what is happening in MWV. Track the emergency appeals done through the Minutemen/Minutewomen program.

This emergency program is an easy way for a missions beginner or veteran to get involved. To be part of this program, go to www.wgm.org/minutemen and sign up. It’s simple: you commit to donate $10 three times a year to help with an emergency need. That is only $30 a year.

Here’s how it works. MWV will send you no more than three emergency requests from a WGM ministry a year. Once you get the e-mail with the emergency need, you click on the link and offer your $10 gift.

Minute-men/Minute-women emergency alerts are also available by postal mail. To sign up for the program with this preference, contact Bill Bucher at mwv@wgm.org.

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