Sunday, April 13, 2014

Concert of Prayer: Children and Youth [April 13-19]

Children and Youth—April 13–19
He was just 13 when he sought acceptance and security in a gang. Nappy came from a broken, dysfunctional home where drugs and alcohol were freely used. Violence was the norm in his neighborhood in south Stockton, California.
Now in prison, Nappy has had time to reflect on the one counter-cultural force that was present in his childhood: The Center. The seed of the gospel that was planted long ago by missionaries serving at The Center came to fruition when he accepted Christ as his Savior.
Now, Nappy’s life mission is to help kids who are going through the same circumstances he lived through.

ACT: Choose a month this year to dedicate time to the cause of children and youth by volunteering with the children’s or youth ministry at your church.
  • Pray that the work of the Holy Spirit will be evident in those who are serving in children’s and youth ministries. May they be like Jesus to those they mentor.
  • Ask God to help children’s and youth leaders to have creativity as they prepare Bible studies and lessons.
  • Praise God for those like Nappy who remembered the seeds of their youth and have come to know Christ through evangelism to children. 

podcastPODCAST: Enjoy interviews with missionaries who serve in key missions causes. Listen to this week’s podcast!

The CallCALL: Call WGM’s Prayer Lifeline at 671.7232 (Marion, Indiana, area) or 1.800.426.0846 (toll free) to join other concert-goers in hearing this week’s recorded prayer.

ShareSHARE: Invite others to pray with you during the concert. We depend on your prayers! Email us at and tell us who you are praying with so we can encourage our staff.

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