Wednesday, October 12, 2011

God Will Bring Wholeness to Your Weakness

An excerpt from Do You Believe…God Will Bring Wholeness to Your Weakness?
By Kathy Owen and Melanie Miller, Honduras
October–December 2011

Arturo, a dynamic leading businessman in the Honduran city of La Esperanza, managed the largest agriculture, veterinary, and fertilizer store in the city. At least he did before his alcohol addiction affected all of his choices. Fallen from a life of respect and honor, Arturo’s days were now consumed with the lure of alcohol. The office of leadership he once managed became a dirty street corner where he lay in a drunken stupor. The respect he once garnered was exchanged for the scornful stares of passersby as he stumbled from the local tavern or openly abused the mother of his children.

Today, Arturo continues as the director of the Drug and Rehab Center while studying theology. He has dedicated his life to sharing God’s salvation to the lost, especially those being destroyed by alcohol and drugs.

Do you feel held back by your weaknesses? Are God’s purposes of hope and promise dimmed by the brokenness you feel? God is listening for your cry for help. In your moment of humility, God will come to bring the miracle of wholeness to your weakness.

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