Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Will They Teach Her That God Loves Her?

An excerpt from...

Will They Teach Her That God Loves Her?

By Twana JohnsonMexico
January-March 2014

Will They Teach Her That God Loves Her?She was 2 years old with beautiful, big eyes; long eyelashes; and curly hair. She was sitting in a walker because she still could not walk. This was the first time I had seen her at the children’s home where our small church has started to go as an outreach. The home is run by a Christian couple, but it is sorely understaffed and underfinanced. A few of us try to go on a weekly basis to bring God’s Word and love to the children through songs, a Bible story, and snacks. They love all three things! Ten to 20 children come each time we visit.

As we went in this time, the director whispered to me, “She’s been abused and that is why we have her here.” My heart was broken as the little girl looked into my eyes and smiled. When it was snack time, a bowl of noodles was set in front of her, but I noticed she was having trouble getting it to her mouth. I sat her in my lap and started feeding her. I couldn’t get it to her mouth fast enough!When she had emptied the bowl, she was still hungry. My coworker went out and got some yogurt and baby food, and she downed that, too. In a home with so many children and being understaffed, time for individual help is not always available, so I imagine she didn’t always get done fast enough to fill up. I wanted to take her home with me, but I knew this was not possible.

The next time we visited the home, the little girl was not there. “She went with foster parents,” they told us. I pray they give her the care and therapy she needs, but will they teach her that God loves her?

Our Bread of Life church is reaching out to help this Christian couple that runs the children’s home. We pray, we give, we pray more, we teach, we pray more, and we love. Pray that God will give us wisdom to know how to give the right kind of help. Pray that the directors will not get discouraged.

Act!ACT: Look around. Does someone on your street, in your school, at home, or at work need encouragement and to know that God loves them? Take time this week to share a “bowl of noodles” or a cup of coffee with them, and be intentional about encouraging their heart.

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