Use What You Don't Have
By Michael Johnson, Special AssignmentApril-June 2013
“And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.” (Exodus 4:2 KJV)
Moses felt as if he didn’t have much. God told him to use even something that might seem worthless. I hear God saying the same and to use what we do not have.
Using our home church as our base, we sent out a survey to churches and the community asking them what were the most pressing problems they faced. When the surveys were returned, we realized we did not even ask the right questions. People wrote in their own responses. The principal one was “We need mentoring for our young men and women.” With nothing in our hands to do this, we turned to those who had the calling. God used them to shape our cause.
We participated in two large forums on pro-life among African American Christian leaders. Our focus has been more in tune with promoting families; not just on the woman and her child, but on the circumstances that led to her impregnation, including how to involve the father of the child.
We have worked on promoting counseling and a gun buy-back program as well as rehabilitation and reuniting Returning Citizens (a.k.a. those released from jails), and are moving toward establishing a healthcare center for those who “fall between the cracks” in the medical system.
We started out with nothing, but it becomes clearer day by day that God is moving in our lives to make a difference, especially in areas that we know nothing about.