Thursday, February 14, 2013

Not Just a Coffee Table Prop

An excerpt from Not Just a Coffee Table Prop

How to make the most out of The Call
By Rachel Elwood, Support Staff
January-March 2013

If you’re like me, when a magazine comes to your home, you read through it quickly, looking for topics you’re interested in or writers you follow, and then you toss it on the coffee table.

But The Call isn’t just a magazine; it’s inspiration to be a more missions-active Christian. The Call can be a teaching tool. Here are a few suggestions for using it to introduce others to missions.

  • Social Networking: Did you read something that gave you new ideas on how to share Jesus with others? Post it in your Facebook status. The entire issue is online at, so you can post a link to an entire article. Publicly sharing your passion for missions can have a significant impact on others.
  • Give It Away: After you’ve enjoyed reading The Call, why not pass it on? Give your copy to a friend or neighbor and help spread the message of the Great Commission. Need more copies? Contact us and we’ll send you additional copies at no cost to you.
  • Action Step Challenge: Get practical! Every article in every issue of The Call has an action step that relates to the story. That may be praying, giving a financial gift, studying a Bible passage, or doing a specific task, such as writing an encouraging note to someone who gets on your nerves. Get a group of friends together, such as your Sunday School class or Bible study group, and have each person select one action step to complete that week. The next time you meet, talk about your experiences. Prepare to be amazed at what one small group can do for the kingdom!

  • ACT: Can God use something as simple as a magazine to speak to someone’s heart? We sure think so! Renew your free subscription today or sign up a friend.

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