Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Where Brokenness Abounds

Where Brokenness AboundsBetsy Tejeda, Missionary, Texas/Mexico Border
The Call, October-December 2016

A single mother, terrified she’s pregnant again, is already being pushed by the father to get an abortion.

A teenager, so drugged up with his friends, can barely remember what happened one night.

A 23-year-old mother of six, evicted from a tiny one-room apartment because her husband made the choice to try cocaine and got thrown in jail, has no way to pay the rent.

A woman, sobbing, deals with the fact that her oldest son is involved in drugs and gangs.

A man, so overwrought from losing his job and not being able to support his family, turns to alcohol.

A teenage girl, holding on to a secret she should never have been told, struggles in her relationship with her parents.

As a missionary in McAllen, Texas, these are just a few of the heart-wrenching stories of the people in our community. The needs are overwhelming, and the amount of brokenness that abounds is astonishing. 

What can we do? How can we help? Is there a way to help them pick up the pieces of their lives?

For a brief moment, it’s tempting to have a “ride in and save the day” mentality. But, the truth is quickly clear. We cannot be their savior. Although there are many ways we can serve this community, the problems they encounter are God-sized. The reality is that no amount of money, counseling, clothing, or food can really repair the damage done and fix the underlying issue: SIN.

Our only hope is to point them to the true Savior. Share with them about the One who can forgive their sins and give them a second chance. Direct them to the Redeemer who will give them a new beginning, even as they face the consequences of their sin. Show them love: all-encompassing, all-fulfilling, all-enveloping love. Steer them to hope, and remind them that they are loved, seen, and valued.

As I listen to their stories, I am reminded it is my story, also. I, too, came to a place of brokenness, realizing I needed a Savior. My choices were different. My consequences may not have been as public, but I needed forgiveness and a new start. Now I pray my life is a testimony to these dear ones so that they, too, can be forgiven and healed, full of hope with promising futures. In the midst of brokenness, may hope arise as we point them to the Savior.

GO: Is God calling you to serve this community? A family ministries coordinator is needed at Taylor Community Center in McAllen, Texas. The coordinator will focus on families in the community and will help start programs and organize activities that foster building family relationships and encourage spending time together. Learn more here

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