Monday, December 12, 2011

In Miracles of God’s Amazing Grace

An excerpt from Do You Believe…In Miracles of God’s Amazing Grace?
The story of the conversion of Davine Kemunto Nyamweya
By Carolyn W. Wade, Kenya, with Davine Kemunto
October–December 2011

On a Sunday at Immanuel Africa Gospel Church in Kericho, Kenya, Davine, a young lady I had never seen before, said to me, “I think I am supposed to talk to you. I want my life to change.” As we began to talk and she related her life’s experiences to me, huge tears began to fall.

God directed me to refer her to Pastor Gladys Mutai, one of my former students. Davine met with Gladys on Tuesday that week at the church and then wrote me the following text message: “I met Pastor Gladys who has been of great help to me. She prayed for me and I have been saved. I now love myself in God. I feel clean.” What a glorious testimony!

“I decided to work in the ministry so I can help my fellow youths who have no hope in life,” Davine shared. “I know through Christ, who gave me that second chance to live, that He will give me the strength I need to be a role model to them.”

The miraculous transformation in Davine’s life is part of what God has invited us to experience and enjoy. God is extending the boundaries of our ministry through the way He is using Davine. What a joy!

This isn’t Davine’s complete story. Learn more about what God is doing in her life at

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