Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seeing a Better World

An excerpt from Seeing a Better World
The power of a team
By Paul Yarger, Hillsdale Area Men With Vision
April/May/June 2011

Seeing a better world is the way the Hillsdale Daily News described our recent home improvement project. We completely re-roofed the home of a disabled neighbor lady in our village of Ossea, Michigan—the home of Hillsdale Area Men With Vision.

For about seven years, our local chapter of nearly 20 men, mostly retired, has been giving time and expertise to help the elderly and needy of our community by volunteering one or two days a week from April through November. We have been sharing our witness for Christ by helping many who can’t help themselves. Our Hillsdale County Community Foundation has helped us with funding for some of the materials, and donations from others have made this all possible.

By getting our hands dirty, we earn the right to pray and share with many recipients. It brings outreach ministry down to the local level. This is our Jerusalem, so to speak. God be praised!

Yes, our MWV group is making it a better world, both for today and, the Lord willing, for many more tomorrows.

ACT: Want to know more about the Men With Vision team (chapter) in your area and how to get involved? Contact Bill Bucher at or 765.671.7217.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tricks of the Trade

An excerpt from Tricks of the Trade
By Tracy Dubois, Support Staff
April/May/June 2011

Even if you’re not a sports fan, you’ve probably heard of the Harlem Globetrotters. They use insane basketball skills and humor to entertain audiences. However, basketball, and sports in general, can bring more to your life than entertainment. Sam Sisley, an education major at Ohio Christian University, uses his ball-handling skills to share the love of Christ.

“This is a great platform for getting children’s and youth’s attention. They see us do basketball tricks and then listen to the positive message we bring. Thousands of people have learned how much God loves them, and many kids have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.”

When asked what advice he would give to people wanting to get involved in sports mi, Sam used the slogan from the famous Nike ad—Just do it!

“Anyone can use the abilities and talents God gave them for something more than themselves. Your talent may not be basketball, but God gave you a gift and you should use it.”

ACT: Are you part of a team that wants to do more? Contact to find out how you can use your talents on a WGM team, either stateside or abroad. Start your journey today!

Monday, June 6, 2011

For the Love of the Game

An excerpt from For Love of the Game
By Robyn Moore, Kenya
April/May/June 2011

My team around the world is like a baseball team. We are the Least of These ministries, working with more than 1,000 orphans and vulnerable children.

Do you want to join our team? We welcome new fans and players.

Concession workers are needed to buy food for orphans. To give a gift, visit

Cheerleaders are needed to faithfully pray for those serving in Kenya working with the Least of These ministries.

More players are needed. Is God calling you to be a part of the team here in Kenya? He knows what is needed and what skills, gifts, and talents you have to offer.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Honduras Work Team Highlights

An excerpt from He Knows Them by Name
Honduras work team highlights
By Carol Mast, Short-term Volunteer
April/May/June 2011

Talanga is the location of the second phase of Project Manuelito. We spent a week with the 18 kids who live there. These kids had spent almost a year at the transition house, and then moved to Talanga where they live, are loved, and attend school. We hugged, played basketball, hugged, played soccer, made crafts, and hugged some more.

On our last night in Honduras, Pastor Pinto took us to the streets to see where the kids come from. The team passed out food, hugged some more, and prayed with some. Our hearts were broken.
God loves each person our team met, and He knows them by name. He heard and answered my prayers. He broke my heart.

ACT: Carol’s team showed the love of Christ in Honduras through playing sports, praying, and sharing food and hugs. This could be your experience, too. Trips to Honduras are available all times of the year. To join or schedule a team, sign up at