Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Standing on the Promises!

This year World Gospel Mission celebrates 100 years of ministry. That’s a tremendous amount of history! And that’s a lot of promises!

As The Call team began working on the May/June issue we reflected on that fact that God must have given several promises along the way as He orchestrated the ministries of our WGM fields.

God never says the road is easy in fact I would say some of the promises He has given to our founding missionaries were probably not even completed in their lifetime, but those early missionaries are a small piece to God’s bigger plan. In this issue you'll get to read about a few of those stories.

No matter where you are in the midst of the promise God has given you I trust you too will stand on His promises. May you be found faithful in your obedience so God can use you for His kingdom’s sake. That’s my prayer for all of us.

Standing on the Promise,

Kristi Crisp
The Call Editor
World Gospel Mission

P.S. Have you learned a thing or two about God’s promises? Join this discussion and share your insights at TheCallReaders group on www.facebook.com.