Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Is Fulfilling Your Part in the Great Commission Worth It?

Nathan Schmidt, Missionary, Bolivia
The Call, January-March 2017

"When I see a young man step up and say, 'I have been called by God to be a pastor.' It is worth it!"I admit, there are times I have wondered if it truly is worth it to serve the Lord as a career missionary. When I sleep on a hard church bench at night in an adobe church building in Bolivia, is it worth it? When I travel by bus on the dangerous mountain roads, is it worth it? When I eat foods that I am not accustomed to, is it worth it? To live so far from family, is it worth it? When I get sick due to the water, is it worth it?

But when I hear people respond to God’s Word and call out to Him around a church altar, it is worth it! When I hear a young man and his girlfriend pray the sinner’s prayer with me, it is worth it! When I see a new church form in the mountains of Bolivia, it is worth it!

When I see a wayward pastor’s son come back to Christ, it is worth it! When I see a new believer step into the cold waters of a mountain stream to be baptized, it is worth it! When I see a young man step up and say, “I have been called by God to be a pastor,” it is worth it! When I listen to a pastor share his burdens and am able to pray with him, it is worth it! 

It is worth the cost to be a missionary and a part of fulfilling the Great Commission. Jesus said it this way in Mark 8:36 (ESV): “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

GO: Is God calling you to go? No matter the location or cause or the timeframe you have to serve, there’s a program to fit your calling and your needs. Your obedience is worth it!

CAREER: Serve 2+ years
VOLUNTEER: Serve 1+ weeks to a year
  • Missionary Volunteer Partners:  Adults, age 30 or above, serve side by side with missionaries and nationals, partnering with established ministries and helping with new outreaches.
  • Volunteers In Action: Individuals or couples, age 19-29, will get a taste of missionary life in a cross-cultural setting and in virtually any type of ministry.
  • Teams: Teams are custom fit—work, college, youth, family, prayer—so there’s no end to the ways you and your group can minister. 

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