Friday, December 16, 2011

What God Can Do

An excerpt from Do You Believe…In What God Can Do?
By Shushan Richardson, Ukraine
October–December 2011

My church in Ukraine was given the opportunity to serve Jesus through the blind in our community. It started with a simple relationship and grew into an opportunity for ministry.

Blindness in Ukraine happens at a high rate. Many people who were once sighted have become blind from lack of adequate medical care.

In Berdyansk, Ukraine, a community center for the blind hosts different classes and activities. It began with a simple connection to one person and grew to the whole church being invited to hold a service at the center on Saturdays. Through the relationships built during these Saturday services, many of the blind started attending church. In one week, five ladies were saved—four from the ministry to the blind and one lady from the community.

God can do mighty things through a body of believers willing to minister to others in a community. Would you like to see the family of God grow? The World Go! Manual is a great resource to help you be the hands and feet of Christ starting right in your community. Share a copy with your pastor to discover what missions impact your church can have.

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