Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Launching Rubber Bands

An excerpt from Launching Rubber Bands
By Glenlyn Conley, Volunteer, Mexico
July/August 2010

During the past several weeks, I’ve made one important observation. A willing attitude plus acts of obedience yields success! Perhaps the next time the Holy Spirit tugs at your heart regarding a need for Christian missions, you’ll rethink your indecision and hesitancy. For example, think of the story of the five loaves and two fish. Jesus took a meager amount and magnified it incredibly to the extent that there was even leftover food. In like manner, God honors and blesses even our minute efforts.

Each of you has unique skills and special gifts. I hope you’re eager to share them.

Is it time for you to stretch? Short-term volunteers are needed on several WGM fields. To learn how you can fill this need, contact Troy Simpson at recruiting@wgm.org or 765.671.7226.

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